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Building on these results, a theoretical model for analyzing refugee integration through social media is demonstrated. Another important finding concerns the role of government, host society and the agency of refugee actors in determining the way refugees experience social media.

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The results indicate that social media networking sites were particularly relevant for refugee participants to acquire language and cultural competences, as well as to build both bonding and bridging social capital. In this article, a qualitative study with 18 refugees from Syria, Eritrea and Afghanistan is presented in order to investigate the uses and purposes of social media associated to the different areas of refugee integration in the Netherlands. refugee in Europe on Facebook 2015/2016 Refugee integration and social media: a local and experiential perspective Amanda Alencar ABSTRACT The refugee crisis has spurred the rapid development of creative technology and social media applications to tackle the problem of refugee integration in Europe.


what can you do in connected life? how to be ‘coded’ by ICTS and still impact the REAL world?.For many people, the media are no longer just what they watch, listen to or read - the media are now what people do. The convergent media environment is making possible an enormous redistribution of a certain kind of power - the power to speak, to write, to argue, to define, to persuade - symbolic power.(“Glocalization” is a neologism meaning the combination of intense local and extensive global interaction.) One transition was the twentieth century move from group to glocalized relationships at work and in the community. What does connected life look like? The jump from traditional group solidarities to the evolving networked individualism has not been instantaneous.artefacts – activities – arrangements how doe media and information affect the way we organize and make sense of everyday life?.Three lessions from activities definition of media concurrent media exposure (instead of multitasking): anytime anyplace anywhere shift from lean back to lean forward media use media consumption = production.Three lessions from material definition of media Media have long histories/they evolve Media are remediated: new media are versions of older media, media converge/integrate (black box fallacy) Media gradually disappear.Forster (1909) “The Machine Stops” (19 pages, PDF Blackboard). Reading: Barry Wellman (2002) “Little boxes, glocalisation, and networked individualism” (12 pages, PDF Blackboard). people’s relationship with the internet of things, the consequences of being permanently online, and a history of social media). Connected Life – Defining media as social arrangements, discuss living in an information age and globally networked society (incl.

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